Anyone with an email address and a computer can create an account on Craigslist or Thumbtack, craft some compelling content, and call themselves a DJ. And, with the cost of powerful audio equipment becoming more affordable, it’s not too difficult for an amateur to buy a cheap PA system and advertise their DJ services at… Read more »
Month: August 2016
Mastering Lighting for Your Event – 4 Tips from the Pros
If you’ve never been on a movie set before, we have bad news for you: it’s not as glamorous as it seems. What moviegoers see on screen is the benefit of hours and hours of lighting setup by a massive crew all focused on trying to create a mood. Just ask any actor who’s had… Read more »
Mastering Sound for Your Event – Tips from the Pros
These days, big sounds can come from the smallest of packages. You could go, for example, to your local Walmart and pick up a “home studio” dock for your iPhone, and use it to entertain backyard guests. We admit we’re excited about the way technology helps improve sound quality for folks looking to bring the noise at… Read more »